
Interesting Laundry Room Skincare! Stiffen Your Collar and Learn How to Get Clear Smooth Skin With Starch

Lisa Cohen Lee

learn how to get clear smooth skin with starch

Starch as a skin smoother? You bet. The ingredient you use to iron out wrinkles in clothes can also be effective in making your skin look firmer. Surprisingly, starch is the basis for many makeup and skincare formulas. But this starch isn't the same as the one you use with laundry. Here’s how to get clear smooth skin with starch and what to look for on the ingredient label:

What it is: The starch you find in beauty products is usually a natural ingredient derived from rice, corn, potato or tapioca. Some are listed on the label in their natural state, such as rice starch or corn starch. Others are modified to create chemical ingredients known as hydroxypropl starch phosphate or aluminum starch octenysuccinate.

What it does: When you reach for a pressed powder or blush, chances are it has a starch in it to prevent caking and give you that smooth, velvety feel when you apply it. When starch is infused into a moisturizer, you’ll notice a creamier texture and it won’t feel as greasy going on. Starch also is a stabilizer, giving your creams a longer shelf life.

How to get clear smooth skin: Anytime you use a moisturizer with starch, you’ll see an immediate tightening effect. The starch leaves behind a thin film on your skin, making your face appear smoother and your wrinkles less noticeable. But don’t expect starch to iron out wrinkles permanently—once you wash your face and the starch goes away, your skin won’t look as firm.

Bottom line: For a tighter looking texture instantly, look for formulas with starch as one of the star ingredients.

Do you have any other ways how to get clear smooth skin? Know of any other great natural skin care ingredients? Tell us about them in the comment section!

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