
Proven: Sunscreen Protects Superhero Gene That Prevents Skin Cancer

Dorothy Tan


While most of us know that sunscreen is good for our skin, scientists have been debating about its effectiveness in preventing skin cancer. Recently, new research findings from Queensland University of Technology show that not only does sunscreen provides 100% protection against sun damage, but also shields the superhero p53 gene that prevents cancer.

This superhero gene functions as a repairman for damaged skin, thus working against the development of cancer. However, when skin is burnt regularly, it would mutate and no longer be able to serve its protective function.

According to lead researcher Dr Elke Hacker, the team conducted experiments where skin with and without sunscreen are exposed to "a mild burning dose of UV light". After 24 hours, it was found that "there were no DNA changes to the skin and no impact on the p53 gene".

Dr Hacker also stressed the importance of applying sunscreen correctly. More than half a teaspoon of sunscreen is required for each arm, the face, neck and ears, while a whole teaspoon should be applied to each leg, the front and back of the torso.

Have you been applying sufficient sunscreen to protect your superhero, cancer-preventing gene?

(via Science Daily)

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