
Does Sleep Help Your Skin? Here Is the Truth

Julia Sachs

Tags skin, Skin Care

sleep helps skin

As if you needed another excuse to take a nap today. Did you know that getting sufficient sleep is the key to getting great skin? There are a lot of reasons for this, which we will cover in this post, but the most important one to remember is that your skin revives itself while you sleep. Getting sufficient sleep (which is 6-8 hours per night for most adults) will help your skin appear brighter, heal it from acne and other inflammation, and help you avoid having to go overtime in front of the vanity mirror with your concealer and brightening makeup. Here we give you every reason you should get a good night of sleep—for your skin, of course. 

It Helps Your Natural Beauty

When you sleep, you give your body the chance to produce a lot of the natural nutrients that your body needs in order to maintain a good complexion. Collagen production and the retention of hyaluronic acid all happens while you are sleeping, so getting enough sleep every night is an important factor in how your skin looks during the day—particularly in the aging department. If you notice that your skin is getting fine lines and wrinkles early on, one factor in that could be your sleeping schedule (in addition to your lifestyle). Both collagen and hyaluronic acid are key elements in helping your skin appear bright, supple, and young. 

It Simmers Down Existing Conditions

From eczema and psoriasis to regular breakouts, a good night of rest can actually help calm down the symptoms that keep you up at night worrying about your skin. The reason for this is that your skin tends to work overtime the longer you are awake by increasing your inflammatory response. This can manifest in the form of a breakout, worsening symptoms of chronic conditions, or increased sensitivity and allergic reactions. If you have ever noticed that your skin retaliates in times of stress, it is also likely associated with the fact that stress impacts your sleep patterns. 

It Helps Your Immune System

Eczema and psoriasis, specifically, are associated with how your body and immune system are operating. When your immune system is operating at its best function, these conditions tend to simmer down and become easily manageable, but when your immune system is challenged—either by stress or by illness, it often flares up these conditions and makes them harder to deal with. Sleep is one of the easiest and best ways to help boost your immune system because your body can do so much more when you are resting. 

It Keeps You Young

Like we said before, your body produces collagen and holds onto hyaluronic acid while you are sleeping, and these are two major ingredients in the recipe for younger looking skin. While you sleep, your body is able to amp up its collagen production—a naturally occurring substance that slows as you get older. The older you are, the more sleep you need to maintain a healthy, young glow naturally. 


It Helps Your Under Eyes and Moisture Barrier

Your skin has a natural hydration and moisture barrier that must constantly be cared for in order to be maintained. When you cleanse your skin with cleansers that contain harsh ingredients like alcohol, for example, you strip your skin of its natural hydration barrier. Products like hyaluronic acid serums can help maintain it, as well as ceramide lotions, but sleeping is a major factor in whether or not your skin is able to maintain its hydration and moisture. When you do not get enough sleep, your body struggles to keep your skin hydrated and nourished, something that manifests in the appearance of under eye bags, puffy eyes, and dark circles.

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