SkinXO — Sun

SPF Sunscreen Smarts: The 5 Rules for Every Skin Type

Dorothy Tan

Tags Face, Gorgeous Skin, Protection, Sun, Tips

If there’s one must-have that’s universal for any skin type, it’s SPF sunscreen. Sure, you probably know  already that you should  be applying it to exposed skin parts daily—even when the forecast calls for rain—but you may not be maximizing your protection. Once UV rays sneak in, you’ll be at risk for skin cancer and premature aging, by the way of wrinkles, lines and brown spots (yes, this isn’t just for your face, it goes for your body too). Read on for tips on making the most of your SPF sunscreen application: 1. Carve out enough time to apply sunscreen:...

Handle Those Sunspots! 3 Great Ways to Stop Spots On Skin

Dorothy Tan

Tags skin, Skin Concerns, skincare, spots, Sun

Of course, we can’t say this enough—sunscreen is your weapon against UV rays. But there are some other ways to keep those rays from causing damage.

7 Simple Sun Soothing Solutions for Summer

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Skin Concerns, skincare, Sun, sunburn, Tips

Of course we all know what we should be doing to prevent sun damaged skin (sunscreen, sunscreen and more sunscreen). But we're only human and sometimes we all have "oops moments" where we forget to apply sunscreen in a certain area or just don't put it on as thick as we think or forget to reapply—so now we're suffering from a fiery sunburn. Don’t. Freak. Out. We've got the answers to soothing away those burning, red hot spots. Our sun damaged skin treatment starts here: - If you’re burning bad, pop an anti-inflammatory like Advil, to bring down redness and swelling....