SkinXO — Skin Concerns

Don't Let Sexy Legs Get Ruined By Ingrowns. Our Sure-Fire Ingrown Hair Treatment System

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags ingrown hair, legs, Skin Concerns, Tips

  Yup, it’s bikini season alright, and instead of showing off your spin class sexy legs, you’re looking in the mirror and thinking “help, my legs are covered in ingrown hairs!” before covering them up with a tunic and flowy pants. Ok, so we know you may be a tad bit embarrassed about those ingrown hairs, but that doesn't mean you've got to spend the whole summer under wraps. We've got a leg ingrown hair treatment and prevention plan that will make you whip off that cover-up faster than you can say “summer’s over”. Read on, and get that bikini packed,...

7 Simple Sun Soothing Solutions for Summer

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Skin Concerns, skincare, Sun, sunburn, Tips

Of course we all know what we should be doing to prevent sun damaged skin (sunscreen, sunscreen and more sunscreen). But we're only human and sometimes we all have "oops moments" where we forget to apply sunscreen in a certain area or just don't put it on as thick as we think or forget to reapply—so now we're suffering from a fiery sunburn. Don’t. Freak. Out. We've got the answers to soothing away those burning, red hot spots. Our sun damaged skin treatment starts here: - If you’re burning bad, pop an anti-inflammatory like Advil, to bring down redness and swelling....

Workouts Can Cause Bacne? 4 Ways to Keep Your Back Blemish Free After the Gym

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags acne, bacne, Protection, Skin Concerns, skincare, Tips

  Workouts bring many rewards—a fitter bikini body, healthier lifestyle and stronger muscles—but is there a bummer from all that sweat? Yes, it could be causing a bad case of back acne, aka bacne. This dreaded breakout—yes, it does happen on your body too—could be a direct result of the tight fitting workout clothes and extra perspiration. With nowhere to go the oils get trapped in your pores, pimples pop up and you're left with unsightly acne on your back. Sure it’s embarrassing and annoying, but totally preventable with these four simple steps on how to get rid of back...