SkinXO — Tips

What Are Sulfates: Your Burning Questions Answered

Julia Sachs

Tags sulfates, Tips

Beauty and fashion magazines have warned you for years: avoid sulfates at all costs. But what are sulfates, exactly, and why are they so bad for you?

SPF Sunscreen Smarts: The 5 Rules for Every Skin Type

Dorothy Tan

Tags Face, Gorgeous Skin, Protection, Sun, Tips

If there’s one must-have that’s universal for any skin type, it’s SPF sunscreen. Sure, you probably know  already that you should  be applying it to exposed skin parts daily—even when the forecast calls for rain—but you may not be maximizing your protection. Once UV rays sneak in, you’ll be at risk for skin cancer and premature aging, by the way of wrinkles, lines and brown spots (yes, this isn’t just for your face, it goes for your body too). Read on for tips on making the most of your SPF sunscreen application: 1. Carve out enough time to apply sunscreen:...

Sun Protection Forever? In. Your. Dreams. Why Your Sunscreen Won't Last

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags skin, Skin Concerns, sunscreen, Tips

You know that you’re supposed to be wearing sunscreen every day of the year, no matter what the weather. But sunscreen isn’t made to give you sun protection all of the time. Yes, it’s a must, but there are some things you can do to up your sun protection. We've got the skinny on keeping your skin sun-safe: Why Sunscreen Doesn't Last: The active ingredients that give you sun protection from UV rays, like Mexoryl or Titanium Dioxide, come off in the water. Even if you avoid taking a dip during the day, when you perspire, the combination of salt...

Interesting Laundry Room Skincare! Stiffen Your Collar and Learn How to Get Clear Smooth Skin With Starch

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Gorgeous Skin, skin, starch, Tips

Starch as a skin smoother? You bet. The ingredient you use to iron out wrinkles in clothes can also be effective in making your skin look firmer. Surprisingly, starch is the basis for many makeup and skincare formulas. But this starch isn't the same as the one you use with laundry. Here’s how to get clear smooth skin with starch and what to look for on the ingredient label: What it is: The starch you find in beauty products is usually a natural ingredient derived from rice, corn, potato or tapioca. Some are listed on the label in their natural...

9 Simple Tips to Stay Gold Even When It's Cold, Our Plan to Help You Keep a Tan As Long As Possible

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Sexy Body, keep a tan, skin, Tips

The roar of summer has already left us but, we still have some time left to hit the beach and get that last great tan of the season. So how do we keep that great sun-kissed looked for as long as possible? The Dailymail has found 9 ways that you could extend the life of the bronze on your bod and keep a tan for as long as possible: 1. Before you hit the beach, make sure to exfoliate like crazy 2. Pop some beta-carotene and lycopene 3. Drink water 4. Moisturize twice a day 5. Avoid waxing 6. Eat...