SkinXO — Tips

7 Simple Sun Soothing Solutions for Summer

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Skin Concerns, skincare, Sun, sunburn, Tips

Of course we all know what we should be doing to prevent sun damaged skin (sunscreen, sunscreen and more sunscreen). But we're only human and sometimes we all have "oops moments" where we forget to apply sunscreen in a certain area or just don't put it on as thick as we think or forget to reapply—so now we're suffering from a fiery sunburn. Don’t. Freak. Out. We've got the answers to soothing away those burning, red hot spots. Our sun damaged skin treatment starts here: - If you’re burning bad, pop an anti-inflammatory like Advil, to bring down redness and swelling....

Workouts Can Cause Bacne? 4 Ways to Keep Your Back Blemish Free After the Gym

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags acne, bacne, Protection, Skin Concerns, skincare, Tips

  Workouts bring many rewards—a fitter bikini body, healthier lifestyle and stronger muscles—but is there a bummer from all that sweat? Yes, it could be causing a bad case of back acne, aka bacne. This dreaded breakout—yes, it does happen on your body too—could be a direct result of the tight fitting workout clothes and extra perspiration. With nowhere to go the oils get trapped in your pores, pimples pop up and you're left with unsightly acne on your back. Sure it’s embarrassing and annoying, but totally preventable with these four simple steps on how to get rid of back...

Your Daily Skincare Routine: Size Matters

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Flawless Face, skincare, Tips

Sure, you may think it’s enough just having the right formulas in your daily skincare routine. But what you may not know is that the amount of product is just as important. If you’re piling creams and cleansers on, you could be putting yourself at risk for clogged pores and pimples. Yet if you’re using too little, you may not be getting the full benefits. Before you squeeze, scoop or pump product, check out this go-to guide for the precise portion size: Cleanser: A nickel-sized dollop is the optimum amount for covering your face and your neck. Massage it in...

FACE FACTS: Daily Skin Care Regimen For All Skin Types

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Flawless Face, daily regimen, Face, Tips

Face facts: skin care excellence begins with the basics—cleansing and moisturizing. It’s those daily rituals that prep it for anti-aging ingredients, makeup and problem-solving formulas. But of course, not all skin care regimens are created equal.  The quickest route to achieving super smooth, clear skin is to use the right products that apply to your skin type. Here’s a handy primer on what to use for your complexion: If you have dry skin:  Look for a cream-based cleanser that’s soap-free and mild. Skip washing your face in the morning, since doing it twice a day will strip your skin of its natural oils. A moisturizer is...