
Raid The Supermarket: Yummy DIY Food Facials For Fresher, Younger Skin

Dorothy Tan

Tags Gorgeous Skin

This may be new to you, but the secrets to fresher, younger-looking skin can be found at the fresh produce aisles in your local supermarket. In addition to being great for our bodies when eaten, whole fruits and vegetables that are pumped with anti-aging goodness can also be used in DIY food facials that will combat free radicals, keeping your skin firm and wrinkle-free—to top it off, edible masks are also easy to make and wallet-friendly. Health magazine recently featured a collection of yummy DIY food facial recipes that you can whip up in a jiffy to give your skin a quick...

Q: Are Tanning Beds Safe? A: No way! Stop Using Them Now!

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags safety, skin, Skin Concerns, tanning

Researchers at the university of Dundee in the UK recently conducted a study of 402 tanning beds within the country to answer the question "Are tanning beds safe?' and here are the results of their study: Sunbeds are twice as likely to cause skin cancer than a holiday in the Mediterranean, scientists warn. They say the risks posed to users - who mainly comprise young women - are far higher than previously thought. They have calculated that a ten minute session on a sunbed is twice as likely to cause skin cancer than spending the same time in the midday...

Sun Protection Forever? In. Your. Dreams. Why Your Sunscreen Won't Last

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags skin, Skin Concerns, sunscreen, Tips

You know that you’re supposed to be wearing sunscreen every day of the year, no matter what the weather. But sunscreen isn’t made to give you sun protection all of the time. Yes, it’s a must, but there are some things you can do to up your sun protection. We've got the skinny on keeping your skin sun-safe: Why Sunscreen Doesn't Last: The active ingredients that give you sun protection from UV rays, like Mexoryl or Titanium Dioxide, come off in the water. Even if you avoid taking a dip during the day, when you perspire, the combination of salt...

Interesting Laundry Room Skincare! Stiffen Your Collar and Learn How to Get Clear Smooth Skin With Starch

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Gorgeous Skin, skin, starch, Tips

Starch as a skin smoother? You bet. The ingredient you use to iron out wrinkles in clothes can also be effective in making your skin look firmer. Surprisingly, starch is the basis for many makeup and skincare formulas. But this starch isn't the same as the one you use with laundry. Here’s how to get clear smooth skin with starch and what to look for on the ingredient label: What it is: The starch you find in beauty products is usually a natural ingredient derived from rice, corn, potato or tapioca. Some are listed on the label in their natural...

Cast a Skin Firming Spell on Your Face With Witch Hazel! Why It's One Natural Alternative You Should Know About

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Flawless Face, natural, skincare, witch hazel

You want smoother-looking skin? Bring out an old remedy, witch hazel.  The astringent has been around for decades, and can actually aid in skin firming, giving your face a tighter, more youthful look. We take a closer look at witch hazel and what it can do to make you look younger in a flash: What it is: Witch hazel is an extract derived from the leaves and the bark of the hamamelis virginiana shrub. Native Americans used it for medicinal purposes, and today, it’s combined with alcohol and sold as an astringent for beauty purposes. What it does: Just like...